Sunday, March 16, 2008

Entry 2. - The Luxury of Having New Communication Technologies.

Getting straight into it, I guess the first thing I would like to say is...without new communication technologies, my life would be very simple and very different. For the past 4 years i have pretty much lived on myspace, making it the main source of contacting my friends, keeping in touch with my sister and meeting a bunch of new people. In a way, it is my second mobile phone. I wouldnt go as far as to say I am a myspace junkie, but I do enjoy using it to communicate. With everything else that is available in this day and age for example blogging, email, downloads basically everything on a computer, where would we be without it? For me thats is one thing I hate thinking about.

But on a serious note, who doesnt have a myspace, facebook or hotmail account? Anyone who is reading this must be someone who either enjoys reading blogs or is a blogger themselves. It only proves that technology these days has virtually taken over our lives.

Basically since I have had my myspace account I have met a bunch of new people, people who live locally to me, even people from overseas. For those select few i have met on myspace from either overseas or from a different state in Australia wouldnt necessarily be classed as a friend of mine (personally). For sure myspace has introduced me to people i would of most likely never of spoken to before, which i think is awesome.

Myspace was definately a craze back in the day when i first got one, all the cool kids had one, so of course i had to have one too.

Anywho, sitting here in my 'new communication technologies' class, i can hear the keyboards typing and the mouses clicking, i would go as far to say that alot of people these days rely on their computer to get them through. Of course there are distinct social connections between my family and friends with ' new communications', heck! i don't know one person who doesnt have a source of communication on a computer. When used in the right way, these communication technologies are an effective way to keep in touch with people.

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